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WCSN volleyball coverage: letter from the editor

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This year the Walter Cronkite Sports Network will be covering Arizona State volleyball as one of its numerous expansion sports.

I’d like to introduce myself as the volleyball editor. My name is Trey Lanthier, and I will be producing written content, video content, and serving as a broadcaster for Pac-12 webcasts (a product created in conjunction between ASU Athletics and WCSN).

I am not expecting our coverage to be perfect to start. But hopefully, with help and feedback from you, the volleyball fans reading and watching our content, we will gradually improve and strive towards our ultimate goal of professionalism at the highest level.

Last year I was thrilled to be able to head WCSN’s expansion into Arizona State lacrosse coverage. I’m equally excited about expanding into volleyball, and cannot wait to start covering this team day in and day out. If you would like to ask me any questions or if you have suggestions for me, please feel free to contact me anytime (see below).

My number one goal is delivering the coverage that you the fans of collegiate volleyball deserve. Our content will include game previews, game recaps, and feature stories. All of this will give you an insider’s look, with player interviews and coach interviews as well as an acute breakdown of statistical significance.

While it is true that WCSN is stationed out of Arizona State and consists of many ASU student journalists, will not represent a P.R. operation of Arizona State Volleyball. Our coverage of the team will strive always to be fair, unbiased, and hard-hitting or critical when necessary.

Some of our coverage will be serious, while other pieces may be fun and quirky. If you have any suggestions for articles you’d like to see written or angles that you would like to se taken, let me know! Any and all ideas, suggestions, feedback, or criticism are taken and considered.

I can be reached by email at, or on Twitter (@TreyLanthier).

Thank you all. I cannot wait to start working with this volleyball team, and I’m confident that WCSN will be able to deliver consistently excellent coverage of Arizona State volleyball.

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