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ASU Women’s Hockey: Sun Devils travel to Michigan for final road series.

(Photo: Reagan Smith/WCSN)

With an 8-1 record, the Sun Devils prepare for three games in three days on the road this weekend. 

One of those games will be against Adrian College on Saturday, Nov. 9. Adrian was a semifinalist at the ACHA National Championships. This season, Adrian has a record of 1-2.

Freshman defenseman Sara Zimmerman says that they’re not thinking about Adrian’s performance last year too much. 

“I think it’s all going to be our mental game and how we bring our game because I think that we have the possibility to do really well, it’s just how we bring ourselves,” Zimmerman said. “It’s important that we don’t get too focused that they’re the runners-up from last year because you never know, teams change every year.” 

Head coach Lindsey Ellis mentions that speed is going to be a key factor in playing against a team like Adrian. 

“We already know going into it, they’re most likely going to be the fastest team we play this year,” said Ellis. “We’re just really focusing on hard zone entry and getting back in our zone.”

ASU will also face Davenport University Friday, Nov. 8, and the University of Michigan Sunday, Nov.d 10. Davenport has a record of 3-3 and the University of Michigan has a record of 1-3. The Sun Devils have never competed against any of the three teams they are playing this weekend. 

“They haven’t seen us, and we haven’t seen them,” Ellis said. “It should be a pretty good three games and hopefully we can prove ourselves this weekend.”

Senior forward Erin Rawls emphasizes what the team has to do to be successful this weekend. 

“[We’ve been] practicing the breakouts, easy passes, not trying to do the complicated stuff because these teams are going to be fast,” said Rawls. “In order to keep up with them and beat them, we have to skate fast and do the easy stuff.”

All nine games have been on the road for the Sun Devils. It is something that they are used to by now. 

“What’s nice about the road is that you’re always together and the comradery,” Rawls said. “The number of weird and funny things that happen over a weekend that manifest all these fun times and jokes and memories is what really fuels our chemistry and ability to win on the road.”

This weekend will be the final road series of the season. Arizona State will host the next six games at Oceanside Ice Arena. 

“Obviously, when we come back after this trip it’s going to be our first set of home games,” said Ellis. “I already know they’re going to be excited for that. I think just having so many away trips, we’re kind of used to it by now, I don’t think it’s so much of a drag. It’s just kind of ‘this is what we do and this is what has to be done to play games.’ It is exciting to finally have some home games after this.”

With Rawls turning 21 this Sunday, she is hoping for a win not just for her birthday, but for the team’s experience. 

“I just hope we leave with some wins and some good experience because, in the national tournaments, which are our goals, these types of games are what’s going to give us the experience to get there and be successful,” said Rawls. 

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